Daniel McLaine Portrait sw


drums, percussion, production

Rakede - Live @ Eier mit Speck Festival 2009

NRW Germany based musician Daniel McLaine (born “Daniel Knop”), studied at the Drummers Institute, earning the best student 2004/2005 award, and graduated from the ArtEZ University of the Arts in Arnhem (NL) where he studied jazz and pop drums.

For more than 25 years he has been a very versatile and highly sought-after drummer in bands of various musical genres, has acted as a studio drummer and producer, and published the video “Ableton Live für Drummer” in 2009.

Outstanding performance from Drummers Institute teacher Daniel McLaine, who stunned with his precise grooves!
STICKS Drum Magazine,
Drummers Institute 20th anniversary
Daniel is one in a million.
Phil Maturano, NYC (USA)
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